Thursday, February 18, 2010

Digging holes for the perk test Day 9

We had to wait till Kevin's next days off before we could get more work done. We knew going in this we would only be able to work on the houses or stuff for the houses when we are not working at our paying jobs. Just an f.y.i. to every one, that is why there will be many days in between posts of getting stuff done but that's okay.
Anyways, on Kevin's recent days off he was able to dig the three 12 ft. trenches for the perk test. A perk test is to see how the water will soak in the ground so the septic guy can design our septic tanks accordingly and also taking in consideration of the design of our houses too. Like how many sinks, toilets, showers there are in the houses. Thanks to the backhoe Kevin was able to get the job done in 2 days.

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